Common herbal remedies
Written by Talha Hussain on 2:59 PMCommon herbal remedies include the following:-
GoldensealThis herb is known for its antibiotic properties. Tea: add ½ to 1 teaspoon of powdered root goldenseal for each cup. Steep ten minutes. Use in up to two cups daily.
ChamomileThis herb is known for relieving stomach distress, calming nerves, fighting infection, speeding healing processes, and preventing ulcers. Tea: Add 2 to 3 teaspoons per cup. Steep for 10 to 20 minutes. Use in up to three cups daily.
GarlicGarlic is a strong natural antibiotic in chopped or chewed form. It helps reduce cholesterol and the risk of heart attacks as it prevents the forming of blood clots. Garlic also contains anti-viral properties. Use in food: season to taste. Tea: for six hours, steep six cloves in a cup of cool water.
Slippery Elm BarkBuy this herb in throat lozenges, cough drops, or in bulk. Slippery elm bark provides relief for upset stomachs, coughs, and sore throats. Tea: Boil and simmer 1 to 3 teaspoons of powder in a cup. Take in up to three cups daily.
GingsengGinseng is used to increase stamina, provide liver protection from harmful substances, and stimulates the immune system. When tested on animals, sexual activity increased. To use: follow packaging directions for capsules, tinctures, tablets, and teas.
DandelionThis herb helps alleviate premenstrual bloating and may provide anti-inflammatory results. Tea: Steep ½ ounce dried leaf in each cup for ten minutes. Take up to three cups with dandelion daily.
FeverfewFeverfew is used to help prevent migraines. Studies are now confirming feverfew’s effects. To use: Take an 85 milligram capsule or pill of leaf material. Tea: add ½ - 1tsp per cup. Steep for 5-10 minutes. Drink in up to 2 cups daily.
Raspberry LeafThis herb is widely used to treat uterine irritability, morning sickness, and to help prevent miscarriage in pregnancy. Tea: add 1 to 2 teaspoons per cup. Steep for 10 minutes. Drink up to three cups daily.
Spearmint and PeppermintProvides indigestion relief. Tea: add 2 teaspoons dried or 1 teaspoon of fresh per cup. Steep for 10 minutes. Can be reheated. Drink up to 3 cups daily. Bath: place a few handfuls of fresh or dried leaves in a cloth bag and run it under water for a relaxing bath.
ComfreyThis herb aids in new cell growth and helps heal wounds because it contains allantoin. To use: Cover scrapes or clean cuts with a bruised leaf. Hold in place with a bandage. WARNING: Not for internal use.
SennaSenna is a strong laxative with a terrible taste. A commercial product or tincture is recommended. Take only as much as the package directs to prevent abdominal distress.
Uva UrsiThis herb is used along with other medical treatments. Uvi Ursi is bitter and provides urinary antiseptic and diuretic results. Tea: Add one teaspoon per cup and boil for ten minutes. Drink up to three cups daily.
GingerGinger may reduce the risk of heart attack by preventing internal blood clots. Also used for motion sickness. To treat motion sickness, 30 minutes before departure take 2 or 3 500 milligram capsules. Tea: add 2 teaspoons of grated or powdered ginger per cup. Steep for 10 minutes. Drink up to 3 cups daily.
Chinese EphedraThis herb is often used to treat asthma and colds. However, it can cause problems including insomnia and raise blood pressure. WARNING: Do not take Chinese ephedra until consulting with your health care provider, especially if you are nursing or pregnant. Do not give to children under 13 years of age.
LicoriceThis herb is used to relieve ulcers and soothe sore throats. For ulcers: add ½ teaspoon of powder per cup and boil for 10 minutes. Drink up to two cups daily. Sore throat: mix a pinch of the root with tea. WARNING: taking large amounts of licorice can be harmful.
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